The Respire Journal

Where science meets compassionate care. The Respire Journal delivers expert perspectives on pulmonary, sleep, and critical care medicine. Through research-backed articles, clinical advancements, and patient-focused stories, we aim to inform, inspire, and elevate your understanding of respiratory health. Stay informed with expert-driven content designed to support better health and deeper understanding.

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Drowsiness. Headaches. Mood-swings. The daytime symptoms of sleep apnea are enough to frustrate anyone, but people who aren’t aware of their condition, or who have had these symptoms for a long time, might write them off as a nuisance. “Part of getting older,” they imagine. True, a patient with moderate sleep apnea and a strong […]

Sleep Apnea

The Hidden Consequences of Sleep Apnea


In bedrooms worldwide, a common challenge disrupts the peace each night: snoring. It’s not just a nuisance for those sharing the room, but it’s also a health concern for the snorer. Welcome to “The Snore Wars,” where the battle for a silent night is fought with strategy and science. Let’s explore some effective tactics to […]

Sleep Apnea

The Snore Wars: Battle Tactics for Quieter Nights


If you’re one of the over 10 million people whose partner who suffers from sleep apnea, you don’t need someone to tell you how difficult it can be. Hearing your loved one struggle to breathe at night – and even stop breathing entirely – is inherently scary. This is especially so if you know exactly […]

Articles, Sleep Apnea

So Your Partner Has Sleep Apnea: A Guide To Sleeping Easy


If you’re one of the over 10 million people whose partner who suffers from sleep apnea, you don’t need someone to tell you how difficult it can be. Hearing your loved one struggle to breathe at night – and even stop breathing entirely – is inherently scary. This is especially so if you know exactly […]

Articles, Sleep Apnea

So Your Partner Has Sleep Apnea: A Guide to Sleeping Easy